Worlds Deadliest Big Cats
Published in Entertainment at April 18th, 2017 at 9:10 AM
No one can deny the amazing beauty and abilities of the big cats of the world. Because so many are sought after for their fur, their numbers are in decline. This is a list (which is by no means exhaustive) of 10 amazing big cats. The ten cats were selected because they either have a creative way of hunting, an amazing coat pattern, or are simply awe inspiring.
The Siberian tiger

The Siberian tiger is the largest big cat, the strongest, even more so than the king of the jungle, the lion. The Siberian tiger is the biggest of them all. Weighing in at up to 300Kg and measuring up to 4m in length this is one big cat. Just to put that in perspective, that’s about as long as a family car and the weight of three grown men.

In a Delhi zoo, a man jumped into the tiger enclosure to get a better look but it didn't end well. Tigers are extremely territorial and the big cat didn't take the intrusion well. The man was mauled to death after the tiger did some toying with him.
The Bengal Tiger

No doubt the Bengal tiger is very dangerous, as they are called man eater in India, they are the second biggest cat in the world and they also take down huge animals, such as the saltwater crocodile. Although the Siberian Tiger is larger, Bengal Tigers are far more prone to become man eaters, due to their aggression, which results in them being the deadliest cat. Plus they have killed more humans than any other big cat on the planet.

There are the famous Tigers of Chowgarh, a pair of man-eating Bengal tigers, consisting of an old tigress and her sub-adult cub, which for over a five-year period killed a reported 64 people in eastern Kumaon.
The Lion

Lions are probably the most famous of the big cats, living in the Savannah's of Africa and grouped together as a pride. It usually the females who do the killing but the males are much bigger and stronger.The diet of a lion includes wildebeest, impala, zebras, and buffalo.

But, if pushed, lions will lash out and have been known to attack trainers at circus events for over zealous whipping tactics.
The Cheetah

Many people classify the cheetah as the world’s fastest land animal with the ability to reach speeds of 70 miles per hour. The round, black spots on the cheetah help them to camouflage when hunting. Their head is small compared to other big cats. They will eat mostly mammals including gazelles, wildebeests, and zebras.

When a cheetah sprints for its prey, its body temperature becomes so high that it would become fatal if kept at that level for a long period of time. The cheetah doesn't attack humans because of its extremely solitary nature but to its prey its a formidable foe.
The Jaguar

The jaguar is the third largest big cat in the world. Its also one of the few big cats that enjoys swimming. They are solitary predators and are known to regulate the populations of prey species, making sure their own prey doesn't over populate the areas it lives in.

The powerful bite of the jaguar allows them to break through shell and hard reptile skin. Sadly, their numbers are dropping quickly and are nearly threatened because they are often killed by humans even though they don't attack human beings. Jaguars’ short, stocky limbs make then skilled in climbing, crawling and swimming.
The Leopard

Leopards are very fast, dangerous, smart, clever and cunning. They have an extremely keen sense of vision at night and spend most of their time hunting at night. Leopards have so much belief in their own powers to kill they've been known to attack fully grown silverback gorillas if they need to.

Leopards will often roam into human habitats and have been known to cause havoc; this leopard was hunted for 6 days following a host of attacks on humans in 2009. It mauled 3 men before being tranquillised and returned back to the wild.
The Black Panther

The black panther is extremely intelligent and are virtually invisible at night when they hunt, due to their dark black fur and the reason they're nicknamed the ghost of the forests. Their ability to adapt means their natural habitat doesn't exist and they are indigenous to jungles as much as they are swamps or forests. They are primarily solitary animals and are very protective when it comes to their territory.
The Cougar

The cougar is perhaps the biggest threat to humans as it lives close by in mountainous ranges and often dwells in to human habitats. They are extremely aggressive and often attack unprovoked and with severe violence. They will attack humans in attempts to kill as prey.

As Joshua Pitten found out in 2011 when out hiking. He didn't see the cougar stalking him from a small ledge above and it lept down onto him and left him with severe lacerations and deep wounds.
The Mountain Lion

The mountain lion is a solitary big cat but isn't that much bigger when compared to a medium sized domestic dog. The lion will usually hunt on smaller mammals and can thrive in both hot and colder climates.

If the mountain lion does attack it can cause extremely deep and vicious wounds and it has a bacteria that grows on its fur that will cause the wounds need a treatment immediately.