Biggest Sharks Ever Caught
Published in Entertainment at April 12th, 2017 at 9:23 AM
As far as famous sea creatures go, with the possibility of the kraken and mermaids aside, the shark is easily king of the billing. There have been movies about them, they have an entire week on Discovery Channel dedicated to them and they just look generally maniacal. So for a fisherman to catch one, its the ultimate coup, and they want to let the world know about their achievement. These are the biggest ones ever caught.

This Mako shark was caught by a TV crew from Texas and its extremely heavy for a shark never mind a mako shark. Usually, you would have around 300lb for an adult Mako, where as this beast is closer to 1200lb!

“Bucky” Dennis of Port Charlotte, FL, was using a live 20 lb stingray as bait when he hooked this 14 ft hammerhead. His intention that morning was to break a record and that he did, he had to even call in a few friends to help him get the monster in the boat.

After some serious elbow grease, the boat being dragged 12 miles away by the fish, they gang were able to bring it back to land and it weighed in at 1300lbs

The cow shark isn't really a well known species of the animal, but they are the oldest and most primitive state of shark in the water today. They actually have an extra gill from most other shark species, a nod towards their devolved past. This little fishy weighed in at 1300lbs

Roger Nowell landed this monster off the coast of Cornwall in 2007. It beat the last record holder, caught in Hawaii, by over 300lbs. Nowell was actually looking for squid at the time when this shark inadvertently landed in his net. He auctioned the fish off at the market but didn't reveal how much money was made from it. Its weight was 1250lbs

Out of all the sharks here, there isn't one with a cooler name than the Tiger Shark. This was caught by Kevin James Clapson and weighed in at 1,785 lb. As you can see it took some heavy arm work to reel this one in

There is some dispute at the record for this shark. This was caught by Ed Maloney, who caught it by accident when fishing with his cousin. This beast weighed in at 700lbs. The official rankings for fish caught states the heaviest is still a 697lb one caught in 2001. So the question remains, is this one 3 lbs heavier than that one? We'll never know, but its still a hefty bull shark.

This is a shortfin mako, and is the current record holder for heaviest of its kind and was caught by Luke Sweeney in 2001. This species of shark is actually a recorded man eater and is a distant relative of the great white. It weighed in at 1200lbs.

The most famous shark in the waters is the Great White, as depicted by Jaws its huge bulk of a body and rows of razor teeth are instantly fearsome. The record for the great white is still in tact from 1959 and Alf dean can lay claim to it when he caught this monstrous 2600lb legend. Before this, the record was 1500lbs less so it really is an amazing feat, 150% bigger than the previous record.