25 AMAZING Facts About Star Wars!
Published in Entertainment at April 13th, 2017 at 9:31 AM
The Star Wars franchise is the most popular set of movies of all time and has collectively made tens of billions of dollars for George Lucas. There are some amazing facts behind the scenes of the movies and we have the top 25 right here.
TIE Fighter

The TIE fighter noise is a mix between,

a baby elephant,

and a car driving on a wet road.
Yoda Wasn't Always a Puppet

Yoda was originally to be played by a monkey wearing a mask.
Could Luke Have Gone To The Dark Side?

Return of the Jedi was originally called Revenge of the Jedi, with film posters being made for it.
Lukes' Lightsaber

Luke skywalker's second light saber was meant to be blue like his original one but was changed to green* last minute.

As the blue light saber would not show up against the blue sky background so it was changed to green so it would stand out more.
The Language of The Jawa's

The jawa language is an increased in speed version of zulu.
Not All Fun & Games

Mark Hamill held his breath so long in this scene he burst a blood vessel in his eye.
Not Everything Was CGI

The waterfalls here are actually salt.
It Takes Time to Earn The Big Bucks

Harrison ford got paid just $10,000 for the first star wars movie.

Guido speaks a real south american language.
The Bad Ass Jedi

Samuel L Jackson claims his characters lightsabre has "bad motherfucker" printed on the side.
Just What Are They?

The word Ewok is never said in any of the movies.
Using Your Head

The bounty hunter droid IG-88 was actually built from recycled film props. His head is the drink dispenser from the cantina scene in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.
Getting Crafty

The communicator Qui-Gon Jinn uses is actually an altered Gillete Sensor Excel women’s razor.
Visit The Set?

The buildings constructed for Tattooine still remain and you can visit them in Tunisia.
I Bet He Feels Foolish Now

Steven Speilberg bet George Lucas %5 of profits star wars would flop, he's made millions from it.

The official music genre of the cantina band is called Jizz.
Must Be Something In The Air

I have a bad feeling about this is said in every star wars film.
Even A Jedi Master Gets Childish

When performing lightsaber battles, Ewan Mcgregor couldn't help but make the noise.
Even Legends Can Be Wrong

Alec Mcguiness thought the films were space fluff and would amount to nothing, he bartered a 2% revenue clause into his contract and unknowingly got the payday of his life.
Who Would Have Been Cooler?

Tupac Shakur auditioned to play Mace Windu.
Is He a Time Lord?

The bounty hunter Bossk’s clothing is a recycled spacesuit from Doctor Who.
The Biggest Mystery

The species of yoda has never been mentioned.
More Face Time

The actors who played jar jar binks,

and C3PO,

both appear out of costume,

in the films as they needed extras.
Creative Writing

Mark hammill was injured in a car accident before filming began,

the attack by the jawwa is therefore written specifically,

so he can be seen getting treatment on his face,

and why he has facial scars now.
Best of Friends

The ET species of alien exists within the star wars galaxy and makes an appearance at the council, George Lucas's way of giving a little nod to his friend Steven Speilberg who put Yoda in his movie E.T.