Top 10 Mythical Creatures We're Glad Don't Exist
Published in Entertainment at April 12th, 2017 at 11:47 AM
Thank the stars this list contains no real entities or we'd all be royally screwed. This is what happens when people have too good imaginations and like to scare us into long sleepless nights
The Wendigo

The Wendigo is a creature appearing in the mythology of the Algonquian people. Descriptions of the Wendigo vary across culture, but they are generally described as a large alien-like canine beast.

They are malevolent and cannibalistic creatures. Wendigos are strongly associated with the winter, the north, and coldness. Human beings will transform into Wendigos if they perform cannibalism. The person will become possessed by the demonic spirit of the beast, usually in a dream.

Once transformed, the individual will become violent and obsessed with eating human flesh. These monsters are the embodiments of gluttony, greed, and excess. They are never satisfied with killing and consuming one person.

Wendigos are constantly searching for new victims. They have been classified as giants and upon transformation the human will grow considerably in size.
The Strigoi

Romania is well known for its vampires, especially the infamous Count Dracula, but it also contains a myth of what is possibly the founder of all the vampire tales—the Strigoi.

The Strigoi is a troubled soul from beyond the grave, and he is ready to devour your blood and roam the Earth once more. He can also become invisible and transform into the shape of an animal.

A creature of demonic lineage, the Strigoi is so feared in the country that there are still cases of graves being dug up to eliminate the vampiric menace.

Seshnag is a large thousand headed serpent often referred to as the king of all serpents in the Hindu mythology. Though the creature is not evil its description is a bit weird.

According to the myth, it is said that all the planets of the universe are located on its heads and each time he shifts Earth from one head to another an earthquake takes place. It is said that when he uncoils, time moves forward and creation takes place. When he coils back, the universe ceases to exist.

Seshnag is generally depicted with a massive form that floats coiled in space, or on the universal ocean, to form the bed on which Vishnu lies.

Also known as Shesha which means "that which remains", from the Sanskrit because when the world is destroyed at the end of 4.32 billion years, Shesha remains as he is.

A leshy is a woodland spirit from Slavic legends which protects animals and forests.

It is a tall creature which can change its size, has hair and a beard made out of living grass and vines, and it has a tail, hooves, and horns. It’s skin is pale and its eyes are green.

It is close to the gray wolf and bears. As a weapon it carries a club and its considered to be the lord of the forest. They also have no shadow.

They have loud cries and can imitate the voices of people. They are not really evil, but do sometimes kidnap wanderers and women and tickle them to death in their lair.
Koschei the Deathless

Koschei the Deathless is the classic mythological villain, the guy who goes and steals the hero’s wife, tries to woo her but ultimately cannot because he had forgotten he was a kidnapper, a sadist and an all round awful person.

There is only one way to kill him: you must destroy his soul. The problem is he has hidden his soul inside of a needle and its gets worse, its not even in a haystack, its inside of an egg, which is inside of a duck, which in turn is inside of a hare.

The hare itself is hidden inside of an iron box, which is buried under an oak tree, which is on the mythical island of Buyan. So good luck finding that soul
The Jikininki

“Jikininki” mean “human eating ghosts”, and that already means that this wont end well. They are spirits of cursed individuals who were greedy in life, and are now forced to seek out and eat human corpses at night.

Jikininki are said to look like decomposing corpses, with sharp claws and glowing eyes. They also have the ability to magically disguise themselves as normal human beings and lead normal lives by day. It seems to me that anyone could be one of these creatures
The Gorgons

The Gorgons were three monsters in Greek mythology, daughters of Echidna and Typhon, the mother and father of all monsters.

Their names were Stheno, Euryale, and the most famous of them, Medusa.

Although the first two were immortal, Medusa was not. Their faces were ugly and their hair was replaced by snakes.

Anyone who would gaze into their eyes would be turned to stone instantly.

The famous Persius was the one who slay Medusa by chopping off her head. The head kept its powers and he then used it to turn the giant creatures attacking Athens to stone
The Graeae (GREE-EE)

The Graeae, sometimes known as the fate, are the three sisters who shared one eye and one mouth.

They were in fact sisters to the Gorgons. Their names were Deino, Enyo and Pemphredo.

Most stories portrayed the Graeae sisters as old hags, some poets actually described them as beautiful creatures.

The Fates are known for holding the thread of life, with which they could cut with their scissors and end whosoever thread it was they snipped.
The Each Uisge (OAR-GIZ-KEE)

Hailing from Scottish mythology, the Each Uisge is a water spirit and comes from the gaelic language to mean water horse, hence its depiction.

They are very dangerous creatures in the scottish mythology, inhabiting lochs and seas around the highlands, what makes them more worrying is they can shape shift into regular horses and man too.

In its form as a horse the creature will bond with humans, enticing them to ride on its back, if its on land it will make its way to water. Once the creature is wet the rider will bind to it like glue and the horse will drown its victim, eating it all except the liver, which is for others to find

As a man its only recognised by the seaweed in its hair and will do much the same as its horse form, enticing humans to join it in the water before killing them.
The Domovoi

The first on the list is the little bearded fellow, the Domovoi.

This guy has the ability to shapeshift into the humans and animals that reside in the house and its favourite past time is being like its owner. If you're good, it'll be good, if you're evil, it'll be evil.

You can summon you Domovoi too, just give a shout of “Grandfather Dobrokhot, please come into my house and tend the flocks!”